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Three Men in a Boat (to say nothing of a dog).
Автор(ы)Джером К.Д.
Вес (г)100

The Thames is one of the best-known rivers in the world, and every foot of the river has a story to tell. The first really famous trip up the river was made by King John in the year 1215; another was made in the year 1889, and this book tells the story of it. You yourself can make that same trip again today if you wish - and don`t forget to take your Easy Reader with you, to show you the way! If you dare, you can get to know the river by paddling down from Reading to London as a competitor in the Devizes to Westminster International Canoe Race, which is held every year at Easter. No story of the River Thames, however, can be more thrilling or instructive than the adventures of Jerome К Jerome and his two friends - to say nothing of the dog!

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