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Family and Childrearing: Russia and the USA. A Cross-Cultural Analysis: The Russian - American Project.
Автор(ы)Decenzo D. et. al., ed.
Вес (г)230

The monograph represents the result of the joint project of scientists of the Russian State Social University and Coastal Carolina University (USA). In the monograph on a materia) of two countries are considered such questions, as: family and the family policy, family in conditions of world social transformations, family values and reproductive intentions of youth, the trends of development of family attitudes, position of the elderly person in family, elc. Authors of the monograph come to conclusion, that at all distinctions of socio-cultural development of two countries, in the Russian and American family similar problems are traced also: the high level of divorces, orientation on family with one or two children, modernization of family and family attitudes, etc. The specifics of the book is that the problem of research is considered in a wide interdisciplinary context. Among authors are known in Russia and abroad pedagogists, psychologists, sociologists, historians, demographers, anthropologists and other experts. The book is addressed to scientists, teachers of higher education institutions, postgraduate students, and everyone interested in the given issues.

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