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Айвенго. Ivanhoe
Автор(ы)Скотт В.
ИздательEasy Readers
Вес (г)

This story is set in medieval England, in a time when King Richard is imprisoned abroad and Norman noblemen are surpressing the Saxons. Ivanhoe, the Disinherited Knight, returns to England from the Holy Land to win his love, the beautiful Lady Rowena, and fight for justice for the Saxon people. He is helped by an old Jew, Isaac of York, and his daughter, Rebecca, but the evil Norman knight, Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert, stands in his way. They will have to face each other at the tournement at Ashby, and the odds seem to be against Ivanhoe and his friends. But who is the mysterious Black Knight who joins Ivanhoe in his struggle against the Normans? IVANHOE is an exciting tale of high action and adventure which draws on the well-known legends about the Middle Ages.
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