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Бойня № 5. Slaughterhouse-Five or The Children's Crusade
Автор(ы)Воннегут К.
ИздательEasy Readers
Вес (г)

Billy Pilgrim has become unstuck in time, a time-traveler. He has seen his birth and death many times. He has seen the biggest massacre in European history, the fire-bombing of Dresden. He has been kidnapped by a flying saucer from the planet Tralfamadore. He has been taken prisoner by the Germans, packed into a boxcar for nine days and sent to an extermination camp for Russian prisoners of war, and from there to Dresden, the open city that would never be bombed. There are hardly any characters in this story, and practically no dramatic confrontations because most of the people in it are so sick and so much the listless playthings of powerful forces. The story is told with black humour and a deep compassion; a lesson about our world that we should never forget.
На англ.яз.

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