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Приключения в летней школе. Summer School Adventures
Автор(ы)Спайт С.
ИздательTeen Readers
Вес (г)

Six students arrive at a language school on the English South Coast, and become friends. On their last weekend there is a competition for the best report about an interesting activity. Three of the students go pony-trekking on Dartmoor, get lost and are taken hostage by a dangerous killer who has escaped from the famous prison. Will the police find them before anyone is hurt? It is supposed to be more or less impossible to escape from Dartmoor prison. How did the killer manage it? The other three students hire a small sailing boat and set off along the coast. They see mysterious white boxes being unloaded from a fast motor boat. Smugglers perhaps? Later they see a man fall overboard. Will they be able to rescue him? Who will win the prize in the end? The answers to all these questions are in this exciting, but easy to read little book.
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