Автор(ы) | Christopher Osakwe |
Издатель | Волтерс Клувер |
Год | 2008 |
ISBN | 978-5-466-00345-1 |
EAN | |
Обложка | Переплет |
Формат | 70х100/16 |
Вес (г) | 120 |
Страниц | 776 |
Просмотров | 67 |
Стандарт |
This volume provides a complete and authoritative English translation of Parts I, II, and III of the Russian Civil Code, along with the author`s comparative commentary on its several sections and chapters. Professor Christopher Osakwe, who established his distinguished career as a professor of comparative law at Tulane University School of Law, is a seasoned practitioner and author of numerous works on comparative law. Recommended reading for legal professionals in the field of comparative law as well as students of law.
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