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English for Business Studies 2 Ed SB
Автор(ы)MacKenzie Ian
ИздательCambridge University Press
Вес (г)100

English for Business Studies is a course for upper-intermediate and advanced level students who need to understand and talk about the key concepts in business and economics. The Second Edition of this successful course contains two new units, "Information technology and electronic commerce and Entrepreneurs and venture capital." The other 28 units have been updated where necessary to take into account changes in business practice and the world economic situation. The key features of the course: - core reading texts to explain the basic content; - authentic interviews for listening comprehension; - systematic vocabulary development; - a variety of speaking activities; - a language reference section in the Student's Book; - multi-lingual glossary in the Student's Book; - progress tests in the Teacher's Book. Each of the 30 units provides between two and three hours' work, with content that develops all four skills.

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